The Intelligential Warfare Systems developed by Roark are designed to be fully autonomous with optional human override/control. Our belief is that all the machine systems operating autonomously on our network should display verifiable accountability in their decision making.
Roark are committed to verifiable accountability through the use of blockchain technology. By pushing the raw decision making data to blockchain in the form of transactions we are creating a proxy “black box” recorder system for autonomous systems.
Our choice of blockchain for this purpose is Solana due to it’s high TPS and the potential scaling of this to greater volume.
Public : Private Chains
From supply chain to location data to fire decisions, Roark are committed to placing our entire business intelligence on chain. Our methodology for a privacy preserving blockchain function is as follows:
All finished products shipped will be assigned a unique ID by Roark, this unique ID takes the form of an encrypted binary phrase (Coverted to UTF-8) linking back to the internal unique ID.
Location Data
All products that transmit location and operating data will produce data packets at periodic intervals. Each data packet will be given a unique ID with each entry also featuring a random 4 number suffix. The data packet will be stored on our private chain.
Autonomous Operation Data
Where an operational element within the Roark-Plexus OS makes an automated decision such as deployment of C-UAS, C-UAS shootdown, ordnance deployment etc, specific data will be recorded that provides context for the decision making, this includes both AI reasoning (text), numerical data, location data and compressed video feed. This data is packaged as a “DMP” OR “decision making packet” and stored on our private chain. It is also given a unique ID and a random 5 number suffix per entry to the blockchain..
Recalling from Chain & Solana
To ensure there is both public and private blockchain integration for transparency and immutability, Roark will record each issuance of the Unique ID on the Solana blockchain using the “memo” programme. Below is a javascript example where “UniqueID in BInary” is the aforementioned binary Unique ID.
Within Plexus a user can see all the unique ID’s associated with their contracted/acquired hardware. This includes manufacturing, operational activities and autonomous deployment. Opening up the unique ID further within Plexus provides the underlying raw data and time stamps. As the issuance’s of unique ID’s (and their 5 number suffixes) also occurs on Solana simultaneously (but without the underlying data) a user of Plexus (or verified body) can use Solana to verify the data entries in to Plexus through the monitoring of transactions with the Unique ID and 5 number suffix. This is done through the integration of the “Get Memo” function within Solana.
User wallets on Plexus will be programmed to periodically burn the SOL acquired through the receipt of each unique ID bearing message.
const message = "UNIQUE ID 12345";
const transaction = new Transaction().add(
new TransactionInstruction({
keys: [{ pubkey: payer.publicKey, isSigner: true, isWritable: true }],
data: Buffer.from(message, "utf-8"), // Memo message. In this case it is "UNIQUE ID 12345"
programId: new PublicKey("MemoSq4gqABAXKb96qnH8TysNcWxMyWCqXgDLGmfcHr"), // Memo program that validates keys and memo message
await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, transaction, [payer]);
const accountAfterMemoTransfer = await getAccount(
`✅ - We have transferred ${accountAfterMemoTransfer.amount} tokens to ${otherTokenAccount} with the memo: ${message}`,