Our Plexus Ecosystem seeks to deliver the most wide-ranging edge based sensor and camera network available globally. Whilst we have the aerial assets covered via our WAMI, HSI & radar programmes we know that there exists vast untapped edge data that will supplement and advance the decision making capabilities and situational awareness of our end-users in both the public and private sectors.
We provide dedicated developer resources for the integration of your data in to Plexus including sandboxes, open SDK’s & testing/representative data as well as offering in-platform marketing opportunities, supplier referrals and partnership validations. This is of course alongside paying you the FMV for your data.
We are seeking deployer’s of edge based camera’s and sensors that offer real-time data streams. Your hardware must have the ability to identify it’s location in real-time, ideally via GNSS/RTK with GPS considered and must provide time-stamped data packets in a “final” format. We consider a “final format” to be one where we can pull via direct API.
If this sounds like your company then please get in touch using the contact form.