C-UAS by Automated HFL and HPM Systems


Roark Aerospace's Aero-Beam is a fully automated High Energy Laser System (HELS) that can neutralize stationary and moving targets at ranges from a few meters to kilometre's.

Fundamental to the design are the 300 Kilowatt laser and the automated rotator system that takes azimuth, elevation, target and beam power instruction through software link to the Aero-Ark system. In addition, AI and ML techniques are used to make predictive analysis decisions on the future movements of a UAS threat to enable more precise directional output even at greater range.

Connectivity to the Aero-Ark enables deployer's to "set and forget" with pre-defined targetting rules combined with the secure and weatherproof mounting station.

Deploying Aero-Beam means interceptions can be delivered autonomously with no magazine and minimal collateral damage. The autonomous deployment is powered by the Aero-Ark software which obtains GPS and FSA positioning continuously and deploys back to the control hub in real-time with no lag. In addition, the packet sniffing detection system combined with forward scatter analysis allows for both automated and manual intervention decision making based on multiple factors including the AI identification of a threatening payload and the owner details.

Unlike other HEL systems, Aero-Beam can target swarms, even at range. This is achieved through the automated rotator system that can move sequentially through targets based on threat assessment and in real-time. On-board AI and ML can determine the optimum beam strength and deployment rate to neutralise each threat without waiting for interception confirmation. We also continue to place significant revenue in our R&D of automated refraction lenses to enable "one-shot" swarm neutralisation.


Roark Aerospace's Aero Wave is a fully automated High Power Microwave System (HPMS) that can be used to neutralise threats from individual UAS' as well as swarms.

The fundamentals of the Aero-Wave design are gallium nitride resistors that enable an incredibly durable beam at a much lower energy input, this not only reduces the cost of interception but also allows for automated; remote deployments on a "set and forget" basis.

As with the Aero-Beam, the transmitter is based on a 360 degree rotator that takes azimuth and elevation determination directly from the Aero-Ark software. The use of forward scatter detection means incoming threats can be identified at a range of up to 200 nautical miles, far greater than any other product on the market. As the input data flow from the Aero-Ark is software defined, preset interception conditions can be made that are based on a variety of options including AI determined payload, UAS dimensions, direction of travel and ownership, this enables automated friendly vs flow decision making, likewise friendly UAS operating on traditional Rf channels are detected by the packet sniffing element of the Aero-Ark that almost negates the ability for a "GOG" or "GOB" scenario.

The underlying hardware is powered by the Aero-Ark and includes communication and data units that allow for remote, unwatched deployment as well as onboard FPGA hand-off for AI processing. Data output can be fed in real-time using LTE, SATCOM, LAN or WiFi and is compatible with many leading C2 applications on the market.

The Aero-Wave is human-safe, has low input voltage and no ionizing radiation. Forward scatter analysis provided by the Aero-Ark also enables a "full field picture" which can identify infrastructure and humans which are factored in to the decision-making of the HPMS deployment.